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Monday, 29 December 2008

When the day is done - Books on Running

Probably the best book on endurance running is 'Slow Burn: Burn Fat Faster by Exercising Slower' by Stu Mittleman. It gives the classic advice 'run because you enjoy running, and for no other reason' because we (as human beings) are born to run, and only stopped in the last 100 years or so.
It has completely changed my attitude to running - instead of struggling along panting furiously and determined to go faster, I accepted a slower pace for much more enjoyment. I've sped up since that initial dip in speed but now I enjoy the countryside flying past and the challenges of dodging branches/ leaping puddles.

Yanni advised me to run barefoot, because I have a tendency to turn my toes out. Rather than face the cold ground, I found another book recommended by Stu: Pete Egoscue's The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion. It's fantastic! Very simple diagnostic of what might be wrong with your posture (whether standing, walking or running), then simple exercises to strengthen muscle groups to put the diagnosed problem (and probably a whole lot of other problems) right. Really very good.

Running is so much more enjoyable!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are having such a great time running! It's wonderful when you embrace the "run smarter" rather than the "run harder" paradigm!
My current favourite running book (just finished it) is "What I think about when I think about Running" by Japanese Literary giant Haruki Murakami: his insights and thoughts on the hoof.

Interestingly, he started running at the same time that he became an acclaimed author - many years ago in his early 30's. I wonder about the connection here...